State Exemption Laws
Exempt property is property that creditors are not allowed to take to satisfy a judgment. Many of these laws date back to the Great Depression and were introduced to help those who were bankrupt to rebuild their lives.
The theory supporting this Depression-era legislation was that, if all that was left post-bankruptcy were the clothes on one’s back, it would be difficult to return to society as a productive member. At the same time, state legislatures had to balance this public policy goal against the legitimate right of creditors to be repaid. As a result, the type and value of property that is exempt varies greatly from state to state.
Today, most states will protect to some degree a person’s primary home, retirement plans, life insurance, annuities, college savings plans, wage accounts, and personal property. What follows below is a list of State and Federal Exempt Property Laws. The first step in asset protection planning is to review the property you own to see what exemptions may apply. Simply follow the links below to find the law in your state. Please note that Federal exemption law may apply in a bankruptcy or if you are domiciled in a U.S. possession or territory.
DISCLAIMER: Exemption laws often change by legislative amendment or court rulings. The links below may not reflect the most current law in your state. We make no representation about the accuracy of the information linked to for your state.
- Homestead Exemption: $16,450 (doubled for married couples). Ala. Code §6-10-2.
- Exemption applies to interest in property used as primary residence by owner, including mobile homes.
- Exemption carries over to surviving spouse for life and surviving minor children during period of minority.
- Exemptible lot size limited to 160 acres.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% for insurance on self or spouse payable to self, spouse or children.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: A judgment debtor can exempt up to $250/month in annuity payments (aggregate). Anything over $250/month, the court may order the debtor to pay the judgment creditor.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $74,900. AK. Stat. §09.38.10.
- Exemption applies to primary residence of owner or dependent of owner. $54,000 statutory exemption periodically adjusted per CPI. AK. Stat. §09.38.115.
- Co-owners can each claim exemption, but total exemption cannot exceed $74,900.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: Creditor may obtain order for debtor to pay on for any dividends and loan values available to the individual that exceed $500,000.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: Creditor may obtain order for debtor to pay on for any dividends and loan values available to the individual that exceed $500,000.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $150,000. A.R.S. §33-1101
- Exemption applies to structure used as primary residence, including dwelling place and attached land, condominium, co-op, or mobile home.
- Exemption amount is for single person or married couple’s interest in homestead. Total exempt amount in one homestead cannot exceed $150,000.
- Proceeds of sale of homestead protected by exemption for up to 18 months or until a new homestead is acquired.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% — cash value is 100 % protected, however, death benefits paid or payable to surviving Spouse or child are limited to $20,000.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: Unlimited. AR. Code §16-66-210; Ark. Const. Art 9, §3.
- Homestead exemption applies to real or personal property used as primary residence by owner who is head of household or married.
- Unlimited exemption applies to land up to 80 acres outside city or town and up to ¼ acre within city. Additional acreage protected up to $2,500.
- Mortgages, mechanic’s liens, tax liens, and liens in existence prior to qualification as homestead are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: $20,000 limit on IRAs
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $75,000 - $175,000. Cal. Civ. Pro. §704.710.
- Exemption applies to real estate, personal property including mobile home or boat, interest in co-op or condo used as primary residence.
- $175,000 exemption allowed for owner over age 65, disabled, or over age 55 with income below $25,000 ($35,000 for married couples).
- $100,000 exemption if household of owner living in homestead includes non-owner family member.
- $75,000 exemption for other owners.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: Limited
- Exempt only to the extent that the court determines the property is used for child, family, or spousal support.
- Life Insurance Exemption: $9,700 single / $19,400 married
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $9,700 single / $19,400 married
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $75,000 - $105,000. Co. Stat. §38-41-201, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to real or personal property, including mobile homes, used as primary residence by owner or family, and attached land.
- $105,000 exemption applies if resident owner (or spouse or dependent) is over age 60 or disabled.
- Surviving spouse or minor children of deceased owner can claim homestead exemption for decedent’s residence.
- Proceeds of insurance policy covering homestead property are exempt up to amount of applicable homestead exemption.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% paid upon death of the insured to designated beneficiary.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100% ERISA only
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $75,000 (doubled for married couples). Ct. Gen. Stat. §52-352b.
- Exemption increased to $125,000 when creditor claim is judgment arising from hospital treatment.
- Value of homestead based on fair market value minus amount of any mortgage or other lawful liens.
- Exemption includes mobile homes, condominiums, co-ops, as long as used as primary residence.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100 % — There is high protection afforded by the Statute: Trust or retirement income and certain retirement, education and medical savings accounts unavailable to creditors.
- Life Insurance Exemption: $4,000.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $125,000. 10 Del. Code §4914(c).
- Exemption protects equity in real estate or manufactured home used as primary residence up to $125,000.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: Available to the extent reasonably necessary for support of the debtor and any dependent of debtor.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%. Fla. Stat. §§196.031, 222.001; Fla. Const. Art. X, §4.
- Value of homestead is unlimited; Size of protected homestead limited to ½ acre within city or town or 160 acres if outside city or town.
- Owner must have resided in homestead at least 40 months to claim exemption in bankruptcy. Exemption against creditor claims commences when homestead becomes permanent residence.
- Voluntary mortgages, mechanic’s liens, tax liens, and liens in existence prior to qualification as homestead are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $21,500 ($43,000 for married couples). O.C.G.A. §§44-13-1, 44-13-100.
- Exemption extends to real estate, including land and dwelling place, or personal property used as homestead.
- Purchase-money mortgages, mechanic’s liens, tax liens, and liens in existence prior to qualification as homestead are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: Interest not to exceed $2,000 in value, 100% exempt if interest is unmatured.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: Available to extent reasonably necessary for support of the debtor and any dependent of debtor.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $20,000 - $30,000. Haw. Stat. §651-92.
- Exemption increased to $30,000 if owner is the head of a family or over age 64.
- Voluntary mortgages, mechanic’s liens, tax liens, and liens in existence prior to commencement of owner’s residency are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $100,000. ID Code §§55-1001, 1003.
- Exemption includes dwelling house or mobile home, along with any land on which homestead is situated (regardless of size). Mobile home can be exempt even if not permanently affixed to land.
- Unimproved land may be exempted if owner has actual intent to build home or place mobile home on land as residence.
- Exemption amount applied to fair market value minus amount of any liens.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $1,250/Mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $15,000 - $30,000. 735 ILCS 5/12-901, 906.
- Exemption doubles from $15,000 - $30,000 for married couples or co-owners. Includes farms, land and improvements, condominium, interest in co-op, or personal property used as primary residence.
- Proceeds of sale of homestead remain exempt for one year after sale.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $19,300 - $38,600. Ind. Code §34-55-10-2.
- Exemption doubles from $19,300 - $38,600 for married couples.
- Applies to real estate or personal property used as primary residence by owner or by owner’s dependent.
- Non-homestead real estate can be held as exempt up to $8,000.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%. Iowa Code §561.1.
- Unlimited homestead protection limited to ½ acre within city or town or 40 acres if outside city or town. Contiguous land included within exemption if considered in good faith as part of homestead.
- Voluntary mortgages, mechanic’s liens, tax liens, and debts in existence prior to commencement of owner’s residency are excluded from homestead protection.
- Prior debts may only be satisfied from homestead after other owner property has been exhausted.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% for policy payable to spouse, child or dependent that is more than two years old. Exemption limited to $10,000 if policy less than two years old.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: None.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%. KS Stat. §60-2301.
- Unlimited homestead protection limited to 1 acre within city or town or 160 acres if outside city or town.
- Exemption extends to home, mobile home, or manufactured home occupied by owner or by family of owner.
- Owner must have resided in homestead at least 40 months to claim exemption in bankruptcy.
- Voluntary mortgages, mechanic’s liens, and tax liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% for policy more than 1 year old.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100% for annuity more than 1 year old.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $5,000. Ky. Stat. 427.060.
- Exemption applies to real estate or personal property used as primary residence by owner.
- Mortgages, tax liens, and debts that pre-date owner’s acquisition of homestead are not subject to exemption.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% for policy more than 1 year old.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100% for contributions made more than 120 days before bankruptcy or entry of judgment or issuance of levy, attachment or garnishment.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $35,000. La. Stat. §20:1; La. Const. Art. 12:9.
- Protected homestead limited to 5 acres within municipality or 200 acres if outside municipality.
- Exemption extends to surviving spouse and minor children of owner.
- Exemption extends to full value of property if debt subject to execution arises from catastrophic or terminal injury or illness creating uninsured obligations exceeding $10,000 and 50% of adjusted gross income.
- Mortgages, mechanic’s liens, tax liens, and debts arising from criminal conduct are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% for policy more than 9 months old.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $47,500 - $95,000. 14 M.R.S. §4422.
- Exemption applies to real or personal property or interest in co-op used as primary residence by owner or dependent of owner.
- Exemption increased to $95,000 if minor dependents of owner live in homestead with owner.
- Exemption increased to $95,000 if owner is age 60+ or permanently disabled.
- Exemption inapplicable to debts arising from torts other than simple negligence.
- Exemption extends to proceeds of sale of homestead for six months following sale.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100% up to $1 million.
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% of proceeds for interest of beneficiary, $4,000 for owner of policy.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100% to the extent reasonably necessary for the support of the debtor and any dependent of the debtor.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $22,975. Md. Jud. Pro. Code §11-504.
- Exemption only available in bankruptcy cases.
- Exemption applies to real property, condominium, or interest in co-op used as primary residence by owner.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100% of deposits up to 7% of debtor's total income for preceding 5 years (limitation may not applicable to rollover IRAs).
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: None
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $125,000 - $1,000,000. 188 Mass. Gen. Law §1, et. seq..
- Automatic Homestead: $125,000
- Declared Homestead: $500,000 individually or $1,000,000 if married and for couples who are seniors or disabled).
- Exemption applies to equity in dwelling structure and attached land, condominium, manufactured home, or interest in co-op, if used as owner’s primary residence.
- Proceeds of sale of homestead are exempt until earlier of one year from sale or date owner acquires a new homestead. Proceeds of insurance policy covering homestead are exempt for earlier of two years or date upon which owner acquires a new homestead.
- Written and recorded declaration of homestead required for maximum $500,00 exemption.
- “Automatic homestead exemption” up to $125,000 arises absent written, recorded declaration.
- Mortgages, mechanic’s liens, tax liens, liens recorded prior to qualification as “homestead,” domestic support obligations, and judgments arising from fraud are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100% of deposits up to 7% of debtor's total income for preceding 5 years (limitation may not applicable to rollover IRAs).
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: None
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $30,000 (Bankruptcy); $3,500 (Creditors). Mich. Comp. Laws §§600.5451; 600.6023.
- Exemption applies to real estate, mobile home, condo, or boat used as primary residence; along with single real estate lot if homestead is within a municipality or 40 acres outside town.
- Bankruptcy exemption can be increased to $45,000 if owner is age 65+ or disabled.
- Homestead exemption is limited to $3,500 for judgment executions by creditors outside of bankruptcy.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $420,000. Minn. Stat. §510.01 - .02.
- Exemption can be increased to $1,050,000 if primary use of homesteaded property is agricultural.
- Exemption limited to 1 acre within municipality or 160 acres outside town.
- Mortgages, tax liens, mechanics liens, and domestic support obligations are excluded from homestead protection.
- Exemption extends to proceeds from sale of homestead for one year following sale, except with regard to domestic support obligations.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: $69,000, plus additional amounts to the extent reasonably necessary for the support of the debtor and any spouse or dependent of the debtor.
- Life Insurance Exemption: $46,000 plus additional $11,500 per dependent. Unmatured life insurance contract dividends, interest, or loan value to $9,200 if insured is debtor or person debtor depends on.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $69,000 and additional amounts to the extent reasonably necessary for the support of the debtor and any spouse or dependent of the debtor.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $75,000. MS Code §85-3-21, et. seq.
- Exemption extends to land on which homestead is located up to 160 acres and to insurance proceeds for damage to homestead.
- Exemption amount limited to $30,000 if homestead is mobile home on land not owned by debtor.
- Home value is reduced by amount of any existing liens prior to applying exemption.
- Owners over 60 can claim homestead exemption for property no longer used as primary residence if owner could previously claim exemption.
- Mortgages, tax liens, mechanics liens, and judgments arising from forfeited bail bonds or labor performed are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% but cash surrender value limited to $50,000 if applicable premiums or deposits made within 12 months of issuance.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: Proceeds are exempt as long as the contract has a spendthrift clause.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $15,000. MO Stat. §513.475, et. seq.; Mo. Stat. §513.430.
- Exemption applies to structure used as primary residence, land where homestead located, and any appurtenant buildings on lot.
- Exemption amount is reduced to $5,000 when residence is mobile home on land not owned by debtor.
- Owner may choose portion of homestead to which exemption applies if total value exceeds exemption amount.
- Exemption does not apply to claims in existence at time of acquisition of homestead.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: Limited to extent reasonably necessary for support.
- Life Insurance Exemption: $150,000
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: None.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $250,000. Mt. Code §70-32-104.
- Exemption applies to real property or mobile home used as primary residence, along with any connected land.
- Owner must execute and record declaration of homestead to claim exemption.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $350/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $60,000. Neb. Stat. §§40-101 – 40-108.
- Exemption applies to dwelling house used as primary residence, land where homestead located, and any appurtenant buildings on lot.
- Exemption limited to 2 lots within municipality or 160 acres outside town.
- Proceeds from sale of homestead protected up to six months following sale.
- Mortgages (executed by both spouses if owner is married), tax liens, and mechanics liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: Limited to extent reasonably necessary for the support of the debtor and any spouse or dependent of the debtor.
- Life Insurance Exemption: $100,000 for cash value attributable to premiums paid at least three years prior.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $100,000 for cash value attributable to premiums paid at least three years prior.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $605,000. N.R.S. §§21.090, 115.005, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to equity in real estate, mobile home, condo, or co-op interest used as primary residence; along with land where homestead located.
- Mortgages, tax liens, mechanics liens, and HOA liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Owner must execute and record declaration of homestead to claim exemption.
- Proceeds from sale of homestead protected up to 180 days following sale if proceeds reinvested in property which will also be a homestead.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: Up to $1,000,000 in present value.
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $120,000. N.H. Code §480:1 - 9.
- Exemption applies to dwelling structure including manufactured home.
- Exemption extends to surviving spouse for life upon death of owner.
- Mortgages, tax liens, mechanics liens, and HOA liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Protected homestead may be owned by beneficiary of revocable trust.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% of proceeds, not cash value.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: None.
- New Jersey law does not provide a homestead exemption against creditor claims. New Jersey bankruptcy filers have the option of using the federal exemptions, including the federal homestead exemption ($21,150).
- Property owned by spouses in tenancy by the entireties cannot be attached by creditor with claim against only one spouse.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% (some limitations)
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $500/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $60,000 (Doubled for co-owners). NM Stat. §42-10-9.
- Exemption applies to house and land, or to just the house if the land is leased.
- Debtor without homestead may instead exempt up to $5,000 of other real or personal property.
- Mortgages, tax liens, mechanics liens, and liens recorded by lessors are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $85,400 - $170,825. N.Y.C.L., §5206.
- Exemption applies to home and attached land, interests in co-op, condominium or apartment, and mobile homes.
- Allowable exemption amount varies based on county: $170,825 (Kings, Queens, New York, Bronx, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam); $142,350 (Dutchess, Albany, Columbia, Orange, Saratoga and Ulster); $85,400 (all other counties).
- Exemption amount applies to value after deducting liens and encumbrances.
- Mortgages, tax liens, mechanics liens, and judgments wholly derived from purchase price of homestead are excluded from homestead protection.
- Exemption extends to surviving spouse and minor children of deceased owner.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%; however, court may order the debtor to pay a just and proper amount after considering the reasonable financial needs of the debtor and their dependents.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $35,000. N.C. Gen. Stat. §1C-1601; N.C. Const. Art. X, §2.
- Exemption doubles for spouses in bankruptcy.
- Exemption applies to real and personal property, or interest in co-op, used as primary residence by owner or dependent.
- Amount increased to $60,000 if owner is age 65+, unmarried, and previously owned property with deceased co-owner.
- Up to $5,000 in unused value of homestead exemption may be applied toward any other personal property.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $100,000. N.D. Code §§47-18-01, 28-22-02.
- Exemption applies to land, dwelling house and any appurtenances. Land can include more than one tract, if contiguous.
- Proceeds from sale of homestead are protected by exemption for one year following sale.
- Exemption amount applies to value above any existing liens and encumbrances.
- Mortgages and judgments for purchase money of homestead, tax liens, and mechanics liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: $100,000 per account. $200,000 max. Court can increase exempt amount if it determines additional funds are reasonably necessary for support of debtor.
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $100,000 per policy / $200,000 maximum for contracts payable to a dependent and which have been in effect for at least one year.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $145,425. Ohio Revised Code §2329.66.
- Exemption doubles for spouses in bankruptcy.
- Exemption applies to real and personal property, or interest in co-op, used as primary residence by owner or dependent.
- Statutory exemption amount is periodically adjusted for inflation.
- Mortgages and judgments for purchase money of homestead, tax liens, and mechanics liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: Limited to the extent reasonably necessary for support.
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%. Okla. Stat. §2.
- Homestead exemption is limited to land up to 1 acre in municipality or 160 acres outside of town.
- Mortgages and judgments for purchase money of homestead, tax liens, and mechanics liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- At least 75% of square footage of improvements must be used as residence for unlimited exemption of homestead property. Otherwise, exemption is limited to $5,000.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $40,000. ORS §18.395, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to “actual abode” of owner, owner’s spouse, or owner’s parent or child, including “floating” or manufactured home.
- Proceeds of sale of homestead are included within the exemption for one year if held with intent to acquire another homestead.
- Mortgages and purchase-money liens, tax liens, mechanics liens, and domestic support obligations are excluded from homestead protection.
- Exemption applies to land up to 1 acre in municipality or 160 acres outside of town.
- Amount can be increased to $50,000 if more than one member of household hold interest subject to attachment.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $500
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: None.
- Pennsylvania law does not provide a homestead exemption against creditor claims. Pennsylvania bankruptcy filers have the option of using the federal exemptions, including the federal homestead exemption ($25,150).
- Property owned by spouses in tenancy by the entireties cannot be attached by creditor with claim against only one spouse.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%, except for amounts (1) contributed within 1 year (not including rollovers), (2) contributed in excess of $15,000 in a one-year period, or (3) deemed to be fraudulent conveyances.
- Life Insurance Exemption: $100/mo.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $100/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%. Homestead Right and Family Home Protection Act. No. 195-2011.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: None
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% if beneficiary is spouse or legal representative of insured.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $250/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $500,000. R.I. Gen. Laws §9-26-4.1.
- Exemption applies to real or personal property used as primary residence by owner or by beneficiary of qualifying trust.
- Mortgages and purchase-money liens, tax and utility liens, mechanics liens, domestic support obligations, and debts in existence prior to acquisition of homestead are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: Proceeds from a life insurance policy are exempt if policy specifically states that it cannot be used to pay creditors.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: Proceeds are exempt if annuity specifically states that it cannot be used to pay creditors.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $59,100. S.C. Code §15-41-30.
- Exemption doubles if both co-owners claim exemption. Exemption applies to real and personal property, condominium, interest in co-op used as primary residence by owner.
- Surviving spouse of deceased owner is protected by exemption.
- Statutory exemption amount is adjusted every two years based on CPI.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: Exempt if for the primary benefit of the insured's spouse, children, or dependents.
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%. S.D.C.L. §43-45-1, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to land up to 1 acre in municipality or 160 acres outside of town.
- Surviving spouse and minor children of deceased owner are protected by exemption.
- Proceeds from sale of homestead up to $60,000 exempt for one year following sale.
- Purchase-money liens and mechanics liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: $20,000
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $250/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $5,000 ($7,500 - joint owners & spouses). Tenn. Code §26-2-301.
- Exemption applies to real and personal property used as primary residence by owner or owner’s spouse or dependents.
- Exemption increased to $12,500 for owner age 62+ with spouse below age 62; or $20,000 if both spouses are age 62+; or $25,000 if owner has custody of one or more minor children.
- Surviving spouse and minor children of deceased owner are protected by exemption as long as property used as primary residence.
- Mortgages and purchase-money liens, tax liens, mechanics liens, and debts under contract secured by homestead and waiving exemption are excluded from homestead protection and mechanics liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: 100%. Tex. Const. Art. XVI, § 50, 51; Tex. Prop. Code §§ 41.001, et. seq.
- Owner can be individual or beneficiary of qualifying trust.
- Exemption applies to land up to 10 acres in municipality or 100 acres outside of town (200 if owner resides in homestead with family).
- Mortgages and liens securing refinances, reverse mortgages, voluntary liens, tax liens, and mechanics liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: 100%
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $30,000 ($60,000 - married). Tex. Const. Art. XVI, § 50, 51; Tex. Prop. Code §§ 41.001, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to real and personal property used by owner as primary residence and up to 1 acre of attached land.
- Mortgages and purchase-money liens, tax liens, domestic support obligations, and consensual liens are excluded from homestead protection.
- Proceeds from sale of homestead exempt for up to one year following sale.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100% (for amounts contributed more than 1 year ago).
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100% (excluding payments made on the contract during the previous year).
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: None
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $125,000. 27 Vt. Stat. §101, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to dwelling house, appurtenances, and attached land used by owner as primary residence and up to 1 acre of attached land.
- Exemption extends to surviving spouse of deceased owner as long as property used as primary residence.
- Mortgages and purchase-money liens, tax liens, and debts in existence when homestead acquired are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100% (for amounts contributed to self-directed plans less than 1 year ago).
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $350/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $5,000 ($10,000 married couples). Va. Code §34-4.
- Exemption increased by $500 for each dependent of owner.
- Exemption increased to $10,000 if owner is age 65+.
- Mortgages and purchase-money liens, tax liens, and domestic support obligations are excluded from exemption.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: None
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $125,000. R.C.W. §6.13.010, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to real and personal property used by owner as primary residence. Dwelling house or mobile home can be “homestead” if owner has good-faith intent to use as primary residence in future.
- Exemption attaches to property automatically if owner currently using as primary residence. If not yet residing within property, owner can claim exemption by recording Declaration of Homestead.
- Exemption applies to proceeds from insurance policy covering homestead or from sale of homestead for one year following sale.
- Mortgages and debts secured by security agreements signed by both spouses or unmarried owner, tax liens, mechanic’s liens, HOA liens, state Medicaid liens, and domestic support obligations are excluded from homestead protection.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $3,000/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $25,000 (In Bankr.) $5,000 (Gen. Creditor). W.Va. Code §38-10-4; §38-9-1, et. seq.
- Exemption applies to property used as primary home of owner, spouse, or dependent. Bankruptcy exemption applies to real or personal property, or interest in co-op, used as primary home of owner or dependent. Bankruptcy exemption doubles to $50,000 for spouses filing jointly.
- Mortgages and purchase-money debts, tax liens, mechanic’s liens, are excluded from homestead protection.
- Creditor exemption increased to $7,500 for debts arising from catastrophic injury or illness.
- Minor children of deceased owner are protected by exemption until age 21.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: Limited the extent reasonably necessary for support.
- Life Insurance Exemption: $8,000
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: Limited the extent reasonably necessary for support.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $75,000 ($150,000 for married couple). Wisc. Stat. §815.20; 990.01.
- Exemption applies to dwelling, including building, condominium, mobile home, manufactured home, trailer, or co-op, with land necessary to use as residence (not more than 40 acres).
- Mortgages and purchase-money liens, tax liens, and mechanic’s liens are excluded from homestead exemption.
- Exemption applies to proceeds from sale of homestead for two years following sale.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: $150,000 (but $4,000 if policy issued within 2 years).
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $150,000 (but $4,000 if policy issued within 2 years).
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.
- Homestead Exemption: $20,000 - $40,000. Wy. Stat. §1-20-101.
- $20,000 exemption doubles to $40,000 if both co-owners reside in homestead.
- Exemption applies to house, mobile home, trailer, and attached land used as primary residence of owner or owner’s family.
- Exemption protects against debts, contracts, or civil obligations entered into or incurred by owner.
- Surviving spouse or minor children of deceased owner are protected by exemption.
- Retirement Accounts Exemption: 100%
- Life Insurance Exemption: 100%
- Annuity (Non-IRA/ERISA) Cash Value Exemption: $350/mo.
DISCLAIMER: These exemptions may not be the most current. Please verify prior to use.